Catholic Charities
(760) 353-6822 Nutrition in a group setting to help physical and social well being. A free lunch is provided to seniors in designated congregate meal sites. |
Elder Law & Advocacy
(760) 353-0223 Provides Medicare beneficiaries and those soon becoming eligible for Medicare with counseling and advocacy as to Medicare, private health insurance, and related health coverage plans |
Catholic Charities
(760) 353-6822 Nutrition for the home-bound to help in recovery. A free daily lunch is delivered to the home of those who qualify. |
Area Agency on Aging
(442) 265-7030 Provides information, links individuals to community services available. Assesses the individual's problems and capabilities, provides follow-up, where possible, to ensure that services were received. |
(760) 344-4654 In-home care for the frail or impaired elderly, to provide short term relief for unpaid family caretakers. Seeks to prevent or delay nursing home admissions of the person receiving care and/or the physical decline of the one giving care. |
Elder Law & Advocacy
(760) 353-0223 Provides legal advice, referral services, counseling and representation by an attorney or paralegal acting under the supervision of an attorney. |
LTC Ombudsman Program
(442) 265-7032 Ensures and advocating for the protection of rights in long-term care facilities by investigating and resolving complaints made by or on behalf of residents. |
IVT Ride
(760) 337-1760 Free transportation to seniors to and from selected congregate meal sites. You must be enrolled and make you pick up appointment a day prior to your pick up. |