Terrace Park Cemetery 1550 Zenos Road, Holtville, CA 92250
About The Program
All deceased persons shall be afforded a dignified burial commensurate with their ability to pay. A decedent, prior to death, may direct the preparation for, type or place of interment of his remains either by oral or written instructions, but a written contract for funeral services may only be modified in writing.
When the responsibility for disposition becomes the duty of the County of Imperial, the decedent’s evidenced intent takes priority.
Generally, in Imperial County, deceased indigents shall be cremated, with the exception of decedents whose religion forbids cremation and those who own their own burial plots prior to death and have paid the appropriate opening and closing plot fees.
The Imperial County Indigent Burial/Cremation program has been designed to help families who, at this difficult time are financially unable to pay for a funeral. Upon approval, applicants are limited to direct cremation. The County prefers cremation. The County does not supplement funds already available to the family or decedent for funeral arrangements. Proof of Income of the applicant and co-applicant must be attached. Please furnish our office with a copy of your latest pay stub and bank statement (W-2s may be required upon request).